8/13/2007 01:13:00 am 1 Comments

~*~ SNORING ~*~
Snoring occurs when there is a vibration of your soft palate (the back part of the roof of your mouth). A number of factors cause this. The muscles supporting the opening of the upper airway in the back of the throat relax during sleep. Extra tissue in the palate and uvula, the fleshy piece between the tonsils-vibrates with each breath, and these vibrations actually cause the sound of snoring. In some people, the airway has a tendency to close at any point. Narrowing of the airway will cause turbulence and the noises of snoring.

Symptoms of Snoring

Nasal Noise : when you sleep Low to high pitch , irregula or regular pattern sound when you sleep. May be accompanied by heavy breathing.

Snoring Causes

Muscle tone of the tongue

During sleep the muscle tone in your tongue and soft palate tends to decrease. They become more relaxed and can collapse together. This contributes to snoring. Other soft tissues, such as tonsils and tongue, can produce sounds that add to or change the quality of the snoring. The position of the sleeper affects the amount of snoring. Lying on your back allows your tongue to fall back toward your throat and block your airway; so you are more likely to snore when you are lying on your back.

Blockage of airway

Anything that obstructs your airway will also contribute to snoring. For example, you are more likely to snore if you have large adenoids or a large tongue or if your nasal passages are swollen from a cold or allergies. Enlarged tonsils and adenoids are the primary cause of snoring in children.

Age and other factors

Age is also a factor. Older people tend to snore more because muscle tone tends to decrease with age. Other factors also aggravate snoring; alcoholic beverages, certain medications, and sheer physical exhaustion may be associated with heavy snoring.

Snoring cure

Lose weight

Maintain a normal weight - Losing weight can greatly reduce or even end snoring and possible obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Proper diet and exercise to losing weight.

Avoid smoking

Don't smoke--period!! can cause increased nasal congestion and mucous in the throat area. Breathing through the nose is more effectual way to bring air into the lungs than mouth breathing.

Reduce alcohol intake

Alcohol can cause relaxation in the soft tissues and muscles in the throat. This will result in snoring or sleep apnea.

Sleep on your side

Sleep on your side, it makes the snoring a little lower


8/13/2007 12:51:00 am 0 Comments

Selangor gantung, tarik gelaran Datuk terlibat jenayah


SHAH ALAM 7 Ogos - Bekas Exco Kerajaan Negeri Selangor, Mohd. Sharif Jajang merupakan antara penerima Darjah Kebesaran Selangor yang dikenakan tindakan penggantungan atau penarikan balik gelaran selepas melakukan kesalahan jenayah.

Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Selangor, Datuk Ramli Mahmud berkata, keputusan tersebut dibuat setelah mendapat perkenan daripada Sultan Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah selepas perbincangan melalui Dewan Diraja Selangor yang bersidang 2 Ogos lalu.

Menurut beliau, berdasarkan senarai yang dikeluarkan, seorang penyandang darjah kebesaran ditarik balik gelarannya manakala lima penyandang darjah kebesaran lagi digantung keahlian masing-masing.

"Mohd. Sharif dikenakan penggantungan gelaran Datuk Paduka Mahkota Selangor (DPMS) sehingga kes yang melibatkan beliau selesai dibicarakan di mahkamah.

"Sementara itu, Chow C.K. Kenneth A. Wira Tjakrawinata yang juga merupakan penyandang Darjah Kebesaran DPMS pada tahun 1999 telah dilucutkan gelaran darjah kebesarannya selepas disabitkan dengan kesalahan jenayah," katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini, hari ini.

Sementara itu, Ramli berkata, Chee Kok Wing, bekas Pengarah Sebuah Syarikat yang menerima Darjah Kebesaran Datuk Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz (DSSA) pada tahun 2000 akan digantung keahlian sehingga kesnya selesai.

Difahamkan, beliau kini dibicarakan di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur selepas melakukan kesalahan mengikut Akta Perindustrian Sekuriti 1983.

Ramli berkata, selain Kok weng, Saidin Thamby penyandang Darjah Kebesaran DPMS dan Mohd. Saberi Salleh (penyandang Darjah Kebesaran DSSA) juga digantung keahlian sehingga kes masing-masing selesai.

Menurut beliau lagi, turut menerima nasib penggantungan keahlian ialah bekas Pengurus Besar Kanan (Pelaburan) Lembaga Urusan Tabung Haji, Mohd. Safie yang merupakan penerima Darjah Kebesaran DSSA akan digantung gelarannya terlebih dahulu.

"Meskipun beliau telah disabitkan dengan kesalahan jenayah, tetapi beliau kini dalam proses rayuan dan kita akan menunggu sehingga proses rayuan selesai sebelum memutuskan tindakan lanjut," kata Ramli.


8/13/2007 12:36:00 am 0 Comments

Rahsia Bantal*
> >
> > * *
> >
> > *Terdapat beberapa ketegori bantal dan perwatakan:- *
> >
> > *1) Memeluk Bantal *
> >
> > *Mereka yang suka memeluk bantal biasanya berjiwa **seni. Mereka
> > mempunyai penghargaan yang tinggi terhadap **lukisan, muzik dan sastera.
> > Perasaan mereka halus dan jiwa mereka romantik. Kadangkala ada yang boleh
> > membaca peristiwa yang akan berlaku melalui mimpi. Mereka juga sangat
> > prihatin terhadap kesusilaan. *
> >
> > *2) Menggunakan Banyak Bantal
> > *
> > *Mereka biasanya kurang kenyakinan. Dalam kehidupan seharian mereka
> > memerlukan banyak pendamping. Mereka jarang membuat keputusan sendiri,
> > sebaliknya mendapatkan pandangan orang lain. *
> >
> > *3) Tidur Dengan Satu Bantal *
> >
> > *Mereka bukan jenis mengada-ngada dan boleh **menerima keadaan seadanya.
> > Mereka juga membuat keputusan **berdasarkan fikiran dan bukan nafsu
> > semata-mata. *
> >
> > *4) Meletakkan Bantal Di Bawah Kaki *
> >
> > *Mereka mempunyai sifat kurang baik. Mereka jarang bergaul dgn org
> > ramai, malah kaku dalam pergaulan. Ini menyebabkan mereka cenderung bersifat
> > egois. Mereka juga gemar menempuh jalan pintas untuk mencapai cita2. Mereka
> > tdk suka berusaha. *
> >
> > *5) Tidur tanpa Bantal *
> > **
> > *Mereka memiliki sifat percaya diri yang sangat tinggi. **Kadangkala
> > sifat percaya diri ini akhirnya akan membawa kepada sifat ego. *
> >
> > *6) Tidak punya bantal
> > *
> > *Kasihan betul... pergi kedai belilah satu *


8/13/2007 12:25:00 am 0 Comments

Pusat peranginan kerap tiada air

SAYA ingin menarik perhatian pihak berwajib mengenai gangguan bekalan air di Brinchang, Cameron Highlands pada setiap Jumaat, Sabtu dan Ahad. Ia memberi masalah besar kepada penduduk tempatan dan pelancong yang datang bercuti.

Kami merayu kepada Jabatan Bekalan Air Pahang (JBA) agar memberi perhatian kepada sebarang masalah, termasuk paip bocor.

Saya malu hendak menjemput kawan saya ke pusat peranginan itu sebab selalu sangat tiada air.

Jika masalah ini tidak diatasi, saya yakin pada masa depan kita akan kehilangan ramai


8/13/2007 12:23:00 am 0 Comments

Pink Roses For You...

Because you're a beautiful person,

I wanted to send something beautiful to you.

Because you always fill my world

with laughter and happiness,

I wanted to send something bright to you.

Because our friendship is true,

I wanted to send some pink roses to you.

It's not much,

but I hope this greeting will do.

In my own special way,

I just wanted to let you know that

you're in my thoughts today,

and I'm sending some good

wishes your way.



8/13/2007 12:19:00 am 0 Comments

Piket MTUC: Ribuan berpiket tuntut hak pekerja

Salmiyah Harun & Saadon Aksah. Foto Wan Zahari
Wed | Aug 08, 07 | 09:11:57 PM

SHAH ALAM, 8 Ogos (Hrkh) - Selepas piket kedua pada hari ini, Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia (MTUC) pula akan mengadakan himpunan raksasa dua minggu dari sekarang untuk terus menuntut gaji minimum RM900 dan cola RM300 bagi pekerja di sektor swasta.

Sila layari www.englishsection.com untuk Laman Utama English Section atau www.harakahdaily.net/wap/ untuk melayari HarakahDaily.Net menggunakan telefon bimbit GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) anda.

Presidennya Syed Shahir Syed Mohamud berkata, piket pada hari ini bukanlah akan berakhir di sini kerana selepas ini mereka akan mengumpulkan 15,000 anggota MTUC dalam satu perhimpunan.

Katanya, pihak Majlis Tertinggi MTUC telah memberi mandat penuh kepadanya untuk mengadakan perhimpunan raksasa di Kuala Lumpur.

"Kita sedang mencari tempat yang sesuai yang boleh menampung sejumlah yang besar ahli kita," katanya ketika ditemui di lokasi berpiket di bulatan kilang Goodyear, Seksyen 15 Shah Alam.

Katanya, tujuan perhimpunan itu untuk menjelaskan kepada seluruh anggota MTUC untuk mendengar apa masalah dan juga isu yang ditanggung oleh pekerja swasta pada hari ini.

Tegasnya, tuntutan ini sepatutnya ditangani lebih awal memandangkan jumlah anggota yang terlibat adalah sangat besar.

"Di malaysia kita lihat statistik mereka yang bergaji 600 ke bawah memang besar jumlahnya iaitu 1.4 juta lebih," katanya.

Apa yang amat dikesali, Shahir berkata, sikap pemimpin negara yang dilihat amat dingin dengan apa yang dilaungkan oleh mereka selama ini.

"Piket pada hari ini adalah respons kepada sikap dingin kerajaan terhadap hak kita," katanya.

Di samping itu katanya, pindaan undang-undang yang dibuat tergesa- gesa seolah-olah membelakangi pihak MTUC yang boleh memberi kesan kepada pekerja apabila ia dilaksanakan nanti.

Hari ini, MTUC terus memberi tindak balas kepada sikap dingin kerajaan dengan mengadakan piket di 12 lokasi di seluruh negara yang disertai setengah juta ahli.

Di sekitar Lembah Klang dan Selangor, piket telah diadakan di Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur; Petaling Jaya di sekitar lebuh raya, dan Bandar Baru Bangi.

Manakala di Shah Alam dua lokasi utama ditentukan iaitu di bulatan kilang Goodyear Seksyen 15 dan di depan kilang Proton iaitu di Kawasan Perindustrian Hicom.

Di depan kilang proton, hampir seribu pekerja-pekerja proton yang beruniform biru membanjiri di sepanjang jalan di hadapan kilang mereka sambil terus melaungkan hak mereka.

Mereka mula memenuhi sepanjang jalan itu sebaik sahaja selepas waktu kerja, kira-kira jam lima petang.

Sebaik sahaja waktu kerja berakhir, para pekerja kilang Proton yang kebanyakannya menunggang motosikal berpusu-pusu menuju ke lokasi bersama-sama untuk berjuang menuntut ihsan daripada kerajaan.

Sambil mengangkat poster, 'Gaji minima RM900 dan Cola RM300' masing- masing terus bersorak apabila kenderaan yang melintasi mereka membunyikan hon.

Tidak kira motosikal, kereta dan treler yang membawa kontena melahirkan sokongannya kepada mereka yang berpiket dengan membunyikan hon membuatkan suasana lebih gamat ditambah pula sorakan daripada para pekerja.

Para pemandu yang melalui jalan itu masing-masing menunjukkan isyarat tangan 'bagus' yang turut sama-sama memberi sokongan kepada para pekerja.

Begitu juga di lokasi bulatan kilang Goodyear, suasana yang sama berlaku, masing-masing para pekerja menyorak sebaik sahaja mendengar bunyi hon daripada kenderaan yang melintasi mereka.

Sementara itu, di Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur, dilaporkan lebih 2,000 pekerja sekitar bandaraya telah mula berkumpul dan bersama-sama melaungkan hak dan tuntutan mereka.

Turut kelihatan dalam piket tersebut adalah, Bendahari Agung PAS, Dr Hatta Ramli; Ketua Pemuda PAS Pusat, Salahuddin Ayub dan Naib Presiden KeADILan, Sivarasa Rasiah.

Piket yang berlangsung dalam suasan aman di sekitar lokasi Shah Alam dan Kuala Lumpur itu, diawasi oleh anggota keselamatan yang terus setia mengawal keadaan daripada awal perhimpunan sehingga berakhir kira-kira tujuh malam. - mks.


8/13/2007 12:15:00 am 0 Comments

Majlis Fatwa: Halal dakwat SPR di jari pengundi

Aug 8th, 2007 by editor

PUTRAJAYA: Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan hari ini memutuskan untuk membenarkan penggunaan dakwat khas yang dicadangkan oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) bagi menanda jari pengundi pada pilihan raya umum akan datang kerana tidak melanggar hukum syarak.

Pengerusinya Prof Datuk Dr Abdul Shukor Husin berkata keputusan itu dibuat berdasarkan penjelasan dan hasil kajian yang dijalankan oleh Jabatan Kimia dan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).

Katanya kajian mendapati bahan dakwat yang tidak dapat dipadamkan itu tidak mengandungi unsur najis, tidak menyekat air atau telap air sampai ke kulit dan tidak mengandungi kemudaratan yang jelas untuk dipakai di jari atau kuku.

Oleh sebab itu, jawatankuasa yang bersidang hari ini meluluskan atau membenarkan penggunaan dakwat tersebut."

Tidak ada halangan dari segi hukum dan tidak ada keraguan,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat tersebut di sini hari ini.

Dr Abdul Shukor berkata keputusan itu tidak membabitkan hukum atau fatwa baru tetapi untuk melihat dari aspek umat Islam dalam soal beribadat.

Katanya Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) akan memaklumkan secara rasmi dan serta-merta kepada SPR berhubung keputusan tersebut.

SPR sebelum ini mencadangkan untuk menggunakan dakwat khas itu untuk menanda jari pengundi bagi mengelakkan penipuan dalam pilihan raya.

Berikutan itu, Jakim menghantar sampel dakwat khas itu kepada Jabatan Kimia untuk dianalisis bagi memastikan dakwat yang kekal pada jari selama dua hingga tiga hari itu tidak mengandungi bahan najis yang boleh merosakkan ibadat umat Islam.

Semalam, pengerusi SPR Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman berkata keputusan daripada Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan itu perlu bagi mengelakkan keraguan dan syak di kalangan umat Islam bahawa dakwat khas itu boleh menjejaskan ibadat.


8/13/2007 12:11:00 am 0 Comments

Love is Never Silent

A loving heart, a gentle smile
a warm and tender touch
We give so many things in life
but nothing means as much.

A little inspiration
when one loses hope,
A kind word of encouragement
when they no longer seem to cope.

A simple phrase, "I love you"
when no one else is there
Taking hold onto a hand
in a little heartfelt prayer.

Love is never silent
It has so much to say,
And it is our greatest blessing
when we give it all away


8/12/2007 11:42:00 pm 0 Comments

From: acan_kl

Teman hampir menitiskan air mata tatkala membaca satu artikel yang tersiar di dalam lama web http://kickdefella. wordpress. com/ di bawah tajuk `Email To God'. Teman menangis kerana sedih dan marah yang teramat sangat di atas kebiadapan yang di tunjukkan oleh penulis artikel ini yang secara terang-terang menghina dan merendahkan- rendahkan Islam.

Kiranya tidak beberapa lama dahulu kita sering di kejutkan dengan tindakan biadap bangsa kafir yang acapkali menghina dan merendahkan Islam dengan lukisan karikaturnya, pengunaan ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran di baju dan kasut, tuduhan yang tidak berasas dan seribu macam hinaan yang lain.

Namun kini, kita dikejutkan pula dengan hinaan yang di lemparkan oleh seorang yang bergelar melayu yang teman yakin berugama Islam. Apa yang lebih menyedihkan Kickdafella sebagai salah seorang yang mengaku sebagai Islam langsung tidak menunjukkan rasa bersalah mahupun sensitif di atas perbuatannya.

Sungguh sedih sekali apabila membaca artikel tersebut, kerana beliau mungkin secara berseloroh mengatakan mampu untuk mengutuskan e-mail kepada Allah Yang Maha Besar dan bermimpi menemuramah Allah S.W.T.

Teman akui beliau mungkin hanya meluahkan perasaannya dengan menulis tanpa mempunyai niat yang lain, tapi mengapa mesti merendah-rendahkan dan menghina agama sendiri? Apa perlunya mengkiaskan Allah S.W.T dalam penulisan beliau?

Agama Islam adalah agama yang suci dan bukan untuk di jadikan senda gurau ataupun bahan jenaka. Sepengetahuan teman yang tidak berapa cerdik ini, Islam melarang sekeras-kerasnya perbuatan seperti ini.

Teman juga faham beliau mungkin hanya ingin menunjukkan rasa protesnya namun bukanlah dengan menghina dan merendah-rendahkan agama yang suci ini. Sebagai penganut Islam adalah amat tidak wajar apabila beliau mempersendakan dan menjadikan Islam sebagai modal jenaka.

Kiranya di tanya, beliau mungkin akan mengatakan `God' yang di maksudkan di dalam artikel tersebut tidak di rujuk kepada Allah yang Esa tetapi kepada penganut agama lain. Soalan teman kepada beliau apakah beliau mengiktiraf terdapat tuhan yang lain selain dari Allah S.W.T.?

Sekiranya Kickdafella mengatakan artikel tersebut merujuk kepada Tuhan penganut agama lain beliau secara terang-terangan telah syirik. Kerana di dalam rukun Islam yang pertama di tuntut kepada penganutnya mengaku bahawa `Tiada Tuhan selain Allah dan Nabi Muhammad adalah pesuruh Allah'. Apakah beliau telah syirik? Nauzubillah.

Beliau juga berkemungkinan akan mengatakan artikel tersebut bukanlah di tulis oleh beliau tetapi telah ditulis oleh penulis lain dan hanya di letakkan di dalam laman beliau sebagai tanda sokongan. Maka beliau secara tidak langsung telah bersubahat untuk mempersendakan agama Islam yang suci ini.

Allah S.W.T berfirman
"Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengampunkan dosa (syirik) mempersekutukan- Nya (dengan sesuatu apa jua) dan akan mengampunkan dosa yang lain dari itu bagi sesiapa yang dikehendaki- Nya (menurut aturan syariat-Nya) . Dan sesiapa yang mempersekutukan Allah (dengan sesuatu yang lain), maka sesungguhnya ia telah melakukan dosa yang besar." (Surah an-Nisa': 48)

Andainya benar dengan melakukan perbuatan ini beliau telah berdosa, teman menyarankan ada baiknya beliau melakukan `taubat nasuhah' dengan sebenar-benar taubat kerana dosa yang mungkin dipikulnya bukanlah kecil, kerana ia tergolong di dalam dosa yang besar.

Persoalanya insan yang di bela oleh beliau sehingga tergamak menghina agama sendiri ini ialah seorang yag berbangsa kafir yang secara terang menolak Islam sebagai cara hidup. Adalah benar sebagai umat Muhammad S.A.W kita di seru untuk berbuat baik terhadap semua makhluk ciptaan Tuhan, namun bukanlah dengan cara menghina Islam itu sendiri.

Apakah semata-mata untuk memberikan tanda sokongan kepada kafir laknatullah kita di bolehkan untuk menghina dan mempersenda agama sendiri? Apakah terdapat di dalam mana-mana mazhab mahupun guru agama yang membenarkan perbuatan ini?

Apakah bezanya beliau dengan penganut agama lain yang sering mempersendakan agama Islam dan menjadi Islam sebagai bahan senda gurau? Apakah beliau merupakan tali-barut barat yang telah di upah untuk menghina agama sendiri? Mengapakah beliau sanggup bersekongkol melakukan perbuatan yang hina lagi menghinakan ini?

Teman akui teman bukanlah seorang yang alim mahupun warak di dalam bab agama Islam ini, tapi sebagai seorang yang waras teman merasa amat marah lagi kecewa apabila beliau secara terang-terangan menjatuhkan agama yang beliau sendiri anuti.

Untuk menguatkan lagi hujah, teman telah menghubungi Tuan Haji Shahrin, dari unit soal-jawab Islam, Jabatan Kemajuan Islam untuk mengulas berkenaan perkara ini.

"Islam adalah terpisah sama sekali dengan agama lain dan tidak boleh di samakan, ia bukan untuk di jadikan senda gurau.

"Seseorang muslim seharusnya merujuk kepada mereka yang lebih arif atau thiqah (yang di percayai) sekiranya mempunyai sebarang kemusykilan, bagi mengelakkan kita dari terpesong dan melakukan perkara yang bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam sama ada sedar atau tidak." menurut beliau.

Pada pendapat teman hanya Kickdafella yang mempunyai jawapan bagi merungkai semua persoalan di atas.

Hati teman terus di siat seribu kepiluan apabila membaca pula ruangan komen yang di berikan oleh pengunjung laman beliau, ini kerana rata-rata menyokong kebiadapan yang di lakukan oleh Kickdafella. Berikut adalah antara komen di berikan oleh pengunjung mengenai artikel tersebut:

"Good job posting this, bro!! Keep it up. All of us are praying the same prayer… God bless" komen yang di berikan oleh Hus.

"The Koreans asked God when will they win the World Cup. God said in 100 years. The Koreans cried.

"The Japanese asked God when will Japan win the World Cup. God said in 200 years. The Japanese cried.

"Malaysians asked God when will we win the World Cup. God cried." Komen gurindam jiwa pula.

Tidak sanggup rasanya untuk terus membaca dan menyenaraikan semua komen yang terdapat di dalam artikel tersebut. Ini kerana mereka secara rakus memberikan semangat kepada Kickdafella untuk terus menghina agama Islam.

Perbuatan mempersenda- sendakan Allah, para rasul, kitab atau agama sama ada dalam bentuk gurauan atau bertujuan menarik perhatian orang adalah satu perbuatan yang kufur dan nifaq (munafik).

Ada baiknya teman coretkan disini satu kisah yang pernah terjadi di zaman Rasulullah S.A.W, yang mengisahkan tentang perbuatan sekumpulan lelaki yang berkata:

"Kami tidak pernah melihat para pembaca yang lebih menyukai perutnya, lebih dusta lidahnya dan lebih takut tatkala bertemu daripada ini.

`Para pembaca' yang mereka maksudkan di atas ialah Baginda Rasulullah S.A.W dan para sahabatnya.

Ekoran perbuatan dan kata-kata itu, maka turunlah ayat yang bermaksud:
"Dan jika engkau bertanya kepada mereka (tentang ejek-ejekan itu) tentulah mereka akan menjawab: "Sesungguhnya kami hanyalah berbual dan bermain-main". Katakanlah: Patutkah nama Allah dan ayat-ayatNya serta RasulNya kamu memperolok-olok dan mengejeknya?" (Surah At-Taubah : 65)

Ini terbukti apabila kumpulan lelaki tadi datang berjumpa dengan Rasulullah s.a.w dan berkata: Sesungguhnya kami hanya ingin membicarakan tentang rombongan kafilah yang kami batalkan lantaran perjalanan yang terlalu berat.

Lantas, sebagaimana yang diperintahkan oleh Allah s.w.t, baginda s.a.w berkata kepada mereka: Apakah dengan Allah, ayat-ayat-Nya dan Rasul-Nya kamu selalu berolok-olok? Tidak usahlah kamu meminta maaf kerana kamu telah kafir sesudah beriman.

Hakikatnya, masalah ketuhanan, kerasulan dan kewahyuan adalah satu permasalahan yang suci, yang tidak seharusnya di jadikan bahan sindiran, ejekan mahu pun gurauan.

Tambahan, perbuatan sedemikian merupakan satu penghinaan terhadap Allah S.W.T, para rasul, kitab dan syariatnya yang menjerumuskan pelakunya ke lembah kekafiran.

Jawatankuasa Fatwa juga pernah menasihatkan kepada mereka yang melakukan perbuatan seperti itu supaya segera bertaubat dan takut akan azab Allah yang maha pedih.

Oleh yang demikian teman menyeru rakan seangkatan yang sayang akan Allah dan Rasulnya untuk bangkit dan memaksa beliau untuk bertanggungjawab di atas perbuatannya yang menghina dan merendah-rendahkan martabat Islam ini.

Hanya Sekadar luahan rasa.

Wallahu `lam


"mengkritik tidak bererti menentang, menyetujui tidak semestinya menyokong, menegur tidak bermakna membenci, dan berbeza pendapat adalah kawan berfikir yang baik"

Milia Amran
- Aku.....-


8/12/2007 11:19:00 pm 0 Comments


Kg Simpang Batu - DBKL agrees to postpone demolition to Monday

KUALA LUMPUR, August 8 (ES) - At 9am they came, a motorcade of lorries, vans and motorcycles full of uniformed personnel. Their mission, to forcibly relocate the remaining five families in Kampung Simpang Batu.

They came without warning or advance notice, but the plucky villagers had other sources of information, and were not unprepared.

Assembled in the village to meet rampaging goliath was a ragtag team of fifteen, consisting of mostly girls and elderly women with the exception of a few.

Their weapon? Telling the truth. They spoke and pleaded to whoever they were facing at the moment, pleading their case. Not many of the members of the uniformed personnel however, were in attentive mood. They've seen it all before.

They came Monday but didn't say a thing

According to villager Normalawati,35, a Dewan Bandaray Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) reconnaisance team went to survey the area on Monday but did not the inform the villagers of any pending action.

"Luckily there were others aware of our plight and notified us."

"If not, there would almost be no one around as everyone would have gone to work, and they would come back with no roof over their heads," she continued.

"We went to Suhakam some time back and they said our application (to delay the eviction) is being considered," said Syeikh Mohamad, the unofficial head of the remaining Kampung Simpang Batu.

"Suhakam seems to be a toothless tiger. It has absolutely no power and can give only empty promises," he continued.

He said they were more than willing to move and relocate to the allocated housing, but they wanted the move to be delayed til November as they have school-going children, with several having their major exams e.g. SPM, PMR, this year.

"We are more than willing to die for our cause," he said.

Hisham, son of one of the original settlers said their families opened the land.

"For years our families made their living making tempe," he said, and wondered how they were going to make their ends meet living in flats and having to pay monthly rent.

PAS extremely dissapointed

"I am very dissapointed with the behaviour of the authorities," said PAS Workers and Urban Settlers Bureau head Anuar Tahir.

"These people are the original settlers here and have been living here even before the independence," he continued.

Anuar was of the opinion that there should be sufficient compensation for the villagers, and eviction notices should have been given before the government comes to flatten the village.

"I tried appealing several times on behalf of the villagers to the officers in charge of today's operation but was ignored," he added.

"This is definitely not in the spirit of the 50th Independence," he continued.

He said PAS will doing everything it can in the form of moral and material support to help the villagers in their plight.

In the middle of all the confusion, Anuar, who is also a PAS Central Working Committee managed to contact Suhakam Commissioner Dato' Subramaniam at 10.15 am who promised to come over immediately.

It was at this time that a house located at the fringe of the village started being torn down. This however was happening without any commotion as its occupants has agreed to move out.

Rethink miniscule compensation

Noraziah,33, a full-time housewife said the promised compensation of one thousand ringgit per household will not last them long.

"Three months rent amounting to almost RM400 will automatically be deducted from that amount," she said.

There will only be slightly more than RM600 remaining for us to start our lives over, she continued.

"Our village is located near to almost everything. We only need to walk to go to Chow Kit to buy fresh produce," she said.

Authorities move in

Completed demolishing the first house, the authorities started surrounding the three houses located at the centre of the villagers.

Several of the villagers, spotting the move, quickly barred themselves in their respective houses.

The remaining several others screamed and cried their hearts out to the authorities, pleading their houses be spared.

The scene was heart-breaking and several police and DBKL personnel was seen wiping the tears from their eyes.

This impasse last for nearly half an hour, and it is at this time the electricity supply to the houses were cut.

Seeing no peaceful solution to the stand-off, the DBKL chose another house located at the edge of the village to demolish.

As the officers descended upon the house, the owner's a middle aged woman and an elderly man, seeing it a lopsided battle, gave into the DBKL's wishes and allowed them to pack their things.

Rude officer a disgrace

After the second house was demolished, all attention was distracted from the issue at hand and everyone watched the DBKL's efforts to relocate a number of goats.

From the start of the demolitions, there were multiple attempts made by Anuar Tahir, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) strongman Tian Chua, and representatives of the villagers to delay the relocation.

The breakthrough came at one o'clock in the afternoon when a confirmation was made by the DBKL that the relocation has been halted, and villagers were given until Monday to move out.

Almost all the officers and staff of the authorities tasked with the relocation was apologetic and sympathetic with the villagers plight except for one, and they told the villagers they were just following orders from their higher-ups.

The single woman officer wearing a name-tag but her name withheld, shouted at a female journalist when she approached her to know what was really happening.

The officer rudely asked who was she asking all these questions, and when told she was a reporter, she screamed "Reporters are not wanted here," and turned her back. - ES

The full story will appear in the next edition of English Section print edition.


8/12/2007 11:14:00 pm 0 Comments



  • Berlaku secara perlahan-lahan dan mengambil masa yang lama.

  • Ia berdasarkan kepada kefahaman – anda perlu memahaminya dan dia perlu memahami anda.

  • Anda lebih menumpukan kepada kesejahtraan orang lain daripada diri sendiri.

  • Anda cuba meningkatkan kesejahteraan dirinya yang sebenar.

  • Sepanjang hayat.


  • Anda boleh tergila-gilakan seseorang dalam masa yang singkat dan secara mendalam, tetapi tidak semuanya menjadi cinta sejati.

  • Untuk tergila-gilakan seseorang, anda perlukan seorang sahaja – diri anda. Perasaan anda yg mendalam terhadap orang itu wujud berdasarkan kepada tanggapan anda terhadapnya; anda jatuh cinta pada imej yg anda bentukkan untuknya. Biasanya selepas tiga bulan, anda akan tersedar bahawa dia bukanlah seperti orang yang anda wujudkan.

  • Pentingkan diri sendiri kerana anda cuma mahu berasa seronok untuk diri sendiri sahaja.

  • Tidak mahu berkongsi dan cemburu.

  • Tidak kekal lama (tiga hingga enam bulan); tapi jika keadaan itu dihalang, ia mungkin lebih lama kerana anda akan menjadikan dia idola anda.


8/08/2007 07:20:00 pm 0 Comments

IT = International Terror

All it needed was a flaming jeep and a night to transform Bangalore

from a hub of outsourcing industry, malls and pubs

to a new epicenter of

'doctor terrorists'

who could violently wake up the world with a prescription

of shock and death.

It also showed that anything could be outsourced to Bangalore

from mundane railway timings and number-crunching credit card

info to a new fiery brand of terrorism.

And with the Glasgow incident where three city lads tried to

inject terror and rock the world,

Bangalore wears the D

r Jekyll and Mr Hyde cap


In the upmarket areas where malls and multiplexes jostle

to attract footfalls and the IT crowd, Bangalore wears a suave and sophisticated image;

in heavily glassed office complexes,

the city has its IT muscle to flaunt; and at dusk,

the pub-swinging partying crowd wake up to freeze the city's night image.

Somewhere amidst all this, Bangalore now seems to have shady areas

where terrorism is cooked and served across the globe.

It is in these unknown nooks far from the mall culture

that the two brothers

Khafeel Ahmed and Dr Sabeel Ahmed —

and their relative

Dr Haneef,

possibly, made the blueprint of the London-Glasgow terror plot.

What has shocked the city is that these boys

who were till yesterday essentially Bangaloreans

who studied and grew up in neighbourhoods

that could never be associated with terrorism.

For example,

Dr Sabeel's house is in Banasankari,

a locality that has been predominantly a upper middle class enclave.

The house has the name of Kafeel too.

Dr Haneef stays in Tannery Road, again, in the heart of the city.

While Khafeel studied in the rich cotton town of Davangere

for his engineering degree and went on to study for

a doctorate in computational fluid dynamics in the UK,

Sabeel and Haneef earned their medical degrees from the

B R Ambedkar Medical College in Bangalore.

All of them were

`good students'

according to the professors

who taught them and friends who knew the trio.

So the question that Bangalore is desperately asking itself

is how these students who could have done the city proud

decided to take the path of violence, hatred and terrorism.

And the answer is not difficult to find:

they were systematically indoctrinated.

Sources say that this transformation process could never have been

an overnight job and the three have left their

"signatures and fingerprints"

of their plan through a series of commissions and omissions.

One theory is that radical students who came from West Asia

got in touch with local students like Kafeel and Sabeel

in their fight against


The other is that radical agencies did body shopping

in soft cities like Bangalore to recruit 'fighters' from the well-educated .

But the seeds of violence may have been nurtured early on

when Kafeel's father Dr Maqbool Ahamed worked in the

radically strong West Asia hotspots and came under the influence

of the Jamaat-e-Islami.

A highly orthodox man, Maqbool could have passed on his belief

s to his two sons (see family tree).

The Jamaat seems to have found

Kafeel and Sabeel

as their ideal men to run their sleeper terror cells

because of their educational background,

strong beliefs and with no previous stains of terror blood on their hands.


just behind the Jammat the al-Qaeda

too seems to have pitched in.

The high-capacity hard disc (320 GB) seized

from Kafeel's house seems to have all the big names

of the al-Qaeda and thousands of email for the police

to get at the bigger picture of the terror network

that was built right under the nose of the law in Bangalore.

"Well educated people who go on wrong paths are very dangerous.

It would be very difficult to suspect them as they not only

look sober but also intelligent and courteous."

Added to all this was the fact that Bangalore was a safe haven for

'sleeper cells'

of terrorist outfits.


Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy

believes that the latest incident that has pitchforked the city

into the terror map has not affected the image of Brand Bangalore.

"These are small dents,"

he says, that come naturally when a city grows from

a local image to an international name to reckon with.

"The city's reputation is safe,"

he assures despite Bangalore getting a bloody

nose globally for its links with terrorism.

It is sometimes such attitude to sweep everything under

the carpet that results in a lax in security.

It is not as if there were no warnings.

Not just the Karnataka government,

but the Central Government too had been cautioned as early as 1993

by the Israeli authorities that South India,

especially Bangalore, was attracting radical students from West Asia,

who had the potential of becoming terrorists.
This followed the arrest of a Palestinian student

who had come from Bangalore in 1993.

The Israelis had even offered the Indians a chance to interrogate

the Palestinian and obtain more information,

but the Indian government desisted from doing so.

Strangely, the government looked the other way.

When a suggestion was made to profile students coming from abroad,

especially West Asia, the government went into a tizzy.

Obviously there was a vote bank to cater to.

Sources say that even the Egyptian authorities

had cautioned India that
radical students

who were denied admission in Arab universities

had easily managed to get entry into Indian universities.

The government was just not interested in checking

their extremist background.

It was here that radical outfits set up their

'outsourcing offices'.

The police clearly failed to catch these signals in the air

and the Glasgow incident has shown how weak or non-existent

the intelligence set-up in Karnataka is.

The 'sleeper terrorists cells' obviously escaped the porous

net of the intelligence wings. While it was known that terrorism

had a global span especially after the Iraqi incursions,

the Bangalore police miserably failed to take steps to keep

a tab on terrorists in the making. While they may have got a bigger picture,

the little pockets of terror planning went unnoticed.

The Central intelligence agencies that keep a watch on exchange

of information through cyberspace too did not catch

anything despite so many straws in the wind.

Bangalore has also been providing an umbrella for organisations across

the South that have radical leanings,

political ambitions and an eye for consolidation of power on religious lines.

The spawning of madrasas in the coastal belt

has also resulted in producing highly radicalised youths.

And this is where Bangalore and Karnataka are going

to face a problem. Parties like the

Congress and the Janata Dal (Secular)

are not ready to go the whole mile in supporting stern

action against radical outfits for fear of losing a major chunk of their vote bank.
For example,

Karnataka had set up an Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS)

a few years ago to specifically snoop for terrorist activities of the

Kafeel-Shabeel type.

But the ATS hardly functioned and the lack of seriousness

of the government can be gauged from the fact that

the outfit turned out to be a place to post officials who
were not favoured by the government.

The ATS, when first formed,

was supposed to work in close association with th

e intelligence wing of the State police.

But the wing itself has become just a reception centre for all the

alerts sent by the Centre on the possible terror activities

as they don't have basic operational logistics to gather information.

Even today, the police in Bangalore are clueless on the terrorists

who stormed the placid campus of the Indian Institute of Science

(IISc) on December 28, 2005.

That should give anyone an idea of the

intelligence network operational in Bangalore.

Intelligence gathering set-up lacks trained men and the latest gadgets.

Now Karnataka seems to have woken up

and the ATS hopefully will get more muscle and teeth.

So it is hardly surprising that Kafeel and Sabeel went unnoticed.

But the bigger question that Bangalore

is asking is whether the parents had a whiff of the terror plot.

Though they did not have the complete picture,

they knew that something was cooking.

Why did they not step in?

Ahmed's Family

Maqbool Ahmed, Father
Graduated from Bangalore Medical College (BMC)

and worked as a professor in BMC

and also ran a nursing home in BTM Layout

called Nobel Nursing Home.

Apparently, he was a active member of Jamaat-e-Islami.

He has been suffering from Alzheimer's for the past seven years.

Zakia Ahmed, Mother
An MBBS from Bangalore Medical College.

She was a also working as a professor at BMC

and also helped her husband run the nursing home.

The couple were in Iran for three or four years

before they moved to Saudi Arabia in 1983,

where they worked in a hospital.

They returned to the city in 1994.

Khafeel Ahmed, first son
The guy who apparently drove the blazing jeep

into the Glasgow airport and also designed the car bomb.

He graduated in Mechanical Engineering from University

BDT College of Engineering (UBDT), Davanagere,

with a fifth rank in 2000.

He completed his M.Phil in aerodynamics in Queen's University in Belfast,

Ireland in 2003 and obtained is Ph.D in computational

fluid dynamics from Anglia Polytechnic University in UK.
Sabeel Ahmed, second son
Obtained his degree in medicine from

Dr B R Ambedkar Medical College in 2003.

He left for the UK in 2004 to pursue MD in surgery.

The two brothers are believed to have joined Tablighi Jamaat three years ago.

It is suspected that Sabeel and Haneef,

the other detained Indian doctor,

were responsible for creating sleeper cells across the country.

They are also believed to have charted

out the plans along with Bilal Abdullah,

the main suspect and a native of Iraq.

Sadia Kausar, daughter
In the final year of MBBS in Kolar.

Haneef's FAMILY

Abdul Sami Khaleel, father
A native of Mudigere in Chikmagalur district, Khaleel

was a teacher in Government Urdu school.

He died in a road accident 15 years ago.

Qurrathunaian, mother
After the death of her husband,

Qurrathunaian moved to Bangalore in 1997 with her three children.
Mohammed Haneef, son
The first Indian link to be revealed in the failed UK terror attacks.

A doctor, who graduated from

Dr B R Ambedkar Medical College, Bangalore in 2002.

He was working as a registrar at the Gold Coast Hospital.

He was detained at the Brisbane Airport

when he was returning to Bangalore on a one-way ticket,

apparently to see his new-born baby.

It is believed that apart from planning,

Haneef helped in funding the attacks.

Firdousa Arshiya, wife
Firdousa is a software engineer.

The couple got married three years ago.

She gave birth to the couple's first child, a baby girl, 15 days ago.

Mohammed Shoaib, brother
Engineering student.

Sumayya, sister
An engineer.

She got divorced from her husband recently.

She gave birth to a baby girl a month ago.

How are the Ahmed brothers and Haneef related?
Maqbool Ahmed, the father of Sabeel and Khafeel,

is the son of an uncle of Haneef's mother.