~*~ SNORING ~*~ ***************** Snoring occurs when there is a vibration of your soft palate (the back part of the roof of your mouth). A number of factors cause this. The muscles supporting the opening of the upper airway in the back of the throat relax during sleep. Extra tissue in the palate and uvula, the fleshy piece between the tonsils-vibrates with each breath, and these vibrations actually cause the sound of snoring. In some people, the airway has a tendency to close at any point. Narrowing of the airway will cause turbulence and the noises of snoring. Symptoms of Snoring Nasal Noise : when you sleep Low to high pitch , irregula or regular pattern sound when you sleep. May be accompanied by heavy breathing. Snoring Causes Muscle tone of the tongue During sleep the muscle tone in your tongue and soft palate tends to decrease. They become more relaxed and can collapse together. This contributes to snoring. Other soft tissues, such as tonsils and tongue, can produce sounds that add to or change the quality of the snoring. The position of the sleeper affects the amount of snoring. Lying on your back allows your tongue to fall back toward your throat and block your airway; so you are more likely to snore when you are lying on your back. Blockage of airway Anything that obstructs your airway will also contribute to snoring. For example, you are more likely to snore if you have large adenoids or a large tongue or if your nasal passages are swollen from a cold or allergies. Enlarged tonsils and adenoids are the primary cause of snoring in children. Age and other factors Age is also a factor. Older people tend to snore more because muscle tone tends to decrease with age. Other factors also aggravate snoring; alcoholic beverages, certain medications, and sheer physical exhaustion may be associated with heavy snoring. Snoring cure Lose weight Maintain a normal weight - Losing weight can greatly reduce or even end snoring and possible obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Proper diet and exercise to losing weight. Avoid smoking Don't smoke--period!! can cause increased nasal congestion and mucous in the throat area. Breathing through the nose is more effectual way to bring air into the lungs than mouth breathing. Reduce alcohol intake Alcohol can cause relaxation in the soft tissues and muscles in the throat. This will result in snoring or sleep apnea. Sleep on your side Sleep on your side, it makes the snoring a little lower |
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